We've been in the new place for 2 1/2 weeks now and we've been in stealth mode. One reason is because this is the first chance I've had with no interruptions to sit and use the computer. The other is to do with outside showers and peeping toms!
We've been up late making the place liveable, kept up at night with an unsettled baby and woken up early with an exuberant toddler (she has curtains now which helps a little bit).
One crazy consequence of not being able to finish this house that we're now finding is that, if we cant get the final 110k, we won't be able to seal the driveway and couriers refuse to access unsealed driveways (well ours anyway). First world problems huh! At least we have running water and a shower and toilet.
The minor dwelling has windows walls and a roof but is just a shell. We've got the baby cot in the bath room which just has a shower tray in it, and the toddler bed in one bedroom and ours in the other.
Every day has had a new drama. And a new luxury; the Thursday night that we moved in we had an extension cord from the big house to plug in a lamp. The next day, we had a power point and light switch in each room and a makeshift sink with running water in the main house kitchen. The next day, a Saturday, we were able to move the fridge into the kitchen and someone lent us a solar shower. That night, while we were showering under the scaffolding in the dim street lights, cars slowed down to pass and one even turned around and did a drive-by.
On the Monday we had the washing machine plumbed up in the laundry powered by an extension cord. That was just as well because our baby's mattress had caught fleas from the moving truck blankets and I had a lot of washing to do. On the Tuesday, the shower was ready to use, and on Thursday, we had a toilet inside. Hallelujah! However all the plumbing is in the big house so we still have to trek across the gravel and dirt at night for showers and toilet. On the Friday before Christmas, we had the portaloo removed - glad to see that go! But alas, we didn't get enough plastering time in before the holidays and so will not be able to move into the big house until the end of January now.
Regarding the loan situation, we've investigated many alternatives to see if we could borrow at an affordable rate. Harmoney advertised rates from around 6%, but when we looked into it they wanted 18% which is way beyond us. The only option is still the bank loan + selling upon completion.
We have also tried a number of legal letters to the window manufacturer to get our deposit back, but he refuses and now we have no choice but to file for court proceedings. We're looking at months before we see anything happening there, in the mean time the legal fees are eating into our remaining build fund and so we're going to end up with probably another $10K under. Hopefully we'll win as that will help a little bit with the shortfall.
One crazy consequence of not being able to finish this house that we're now finding is that, if we cant get the final 110k, we won't be able to seal the driveway and couriers refuse to access unsealed driveways (well ours anyway). First world problems huh! At least we have running water and a shower and toilet.
We could really do with some interest in this swap! Do you have something worth more than $2,000 ish that you could swap with us for an awesome home theatre system?
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