We're very pleased to find amongst the hot and sticky weather we've had over the past few days, inside our little minor dwelling has been comfortably cool. The inside temperature only changes very slowly, despite what's happening outside. I can put our little bubba to bed at night knowing she's not going to wake up cold in the middle of the night, because it will be the same temperature in the morning as it was the night before (or maybe 1 degree less sometimes). That is gold I tell you! Absolute gold! From someone who, up until a week ago had not had a full night's sleep since before the baby was born (July), she's only now starting to sleep through the night. If I now had to deal with hot days and huge temperature drops at night, I'd still be getting up to deal with that. So we're still sleeping in the unfinished minor dwelling. Our quarters are just clay bricks, concrete floors and roof (and we do have insulation in the ceiling). There ...